05 June 2005

German culture in the British press

Germany and France are struggling with a new world To spend a few days in Germany is not just to visit another country but, increasingly for a Briton, to visit a different kind of country. In Berlin last week, what stood out was how attractively stable modern Germany still is. (Guardian, 24 May 2005)

Cracks in the walls Michael Hofmann on Steven Ozment's A Mighty Fortress, an attempt to describe how Germany invented itself (Guardian, 28 May 2005)

Interview with Hans Weingartner who talks about applying optimism to both film-making and political change. (Morning Star, 27 April 2005)

The loneliness of being German In striving to exorcise their past Germans have surrendered their ability to love themselves and their country. Perhaps this is why they envy Ireland - a country they see as having all the emotions they have lost. (Guardian, 7 Sept 2004)

Shaper of a nation's conscience As Günter Grass's novel on German victims of the second world war is published, he finds himself for once in step with the government. (Guardian, 8 March 2003)